They must have a limited authority by the position they inherit
individually as an appointed trustee of the WTBTS... I assume. (Assumptions are
the last thing we want when examining evidence, anyone with better knowledge;
do let us know.) Collectively and much more importantly, the aura of power is
made through their relentless propaganda machinery to a captive audience.
This has been cranked
up in recent decades to the point where the GB have elevated their own status
approaching that of immortal demi-gods who will be sitting at the right hand of Jesus in heaven
basking in perpetual bright new light (and they are welcome to it!) But the fact
is that true believers will believe anything, so long as it originates with the
divine leadership of the seven undereducated, out of touch buffoons of Brooklyn.
Morally their leadership is flawed. They have condemned
whole groups of people on the basis of their Bible interpretation such as the UN... and then joined them for political gain.
They have heartlessly condemned individuals for holding certain beliefs and
then later adopted those beliefs as if from God. An example of this is their
mocking and railing against “organised religion” and then for financial clout
and taking control of all the JW finances worldwide; they have today become “organised
religion” with an eye to following their role model of the Catholic Church (where there is real power and unimaginable wealth). Not to mention those individuals who were disfellowshipped for holding certain beliefs which were later
made ‘sacred truth’ simply by saying so in the columns of the Watchtower...This
is the deception of their authority: their demand for slavish obedience to the
written word, both in the Bible and their own' holy' decrees in the Watchtower magazine.
As I suggested they
have never got anything right! They
have never informed in advance of things going to happen. They simply did not
serve as a “Watchtower” as they symbolically presented themselves... instead, they
have proved to be more like a deep and dark pit into which millions have fallen.
The “new light” is more like a toxic fog...
So in all its one and
one third centuries of religious blathering... nothing worthwhile has ever emerged from this organisation. Absolutely
everything they promote has had to do only with the financial security and
status of the governing body to dictate its cultic power over its susceptible
They are not interested in the welfare of their flock. They
use the Bible as a weapon to blind the sheep to what they are actually doing
(enforcing their own control). Their Bible doctrines cannot possibly be inerrant
if they are at liberty to determine how they are to be believed as “new light”
for a limited time. If it was true, it would be so for all time without need
for revision.
Are these not reasons for denying authority to the
Watchtower org and escaping from its selfish propaganda?
If you are a JW why do you not turn away from this harmful,
misleading and useless Bible organisation?